Updated 15 Nov 2024 to include the OpenComposite pre-requisite instructions

Thanks to Commander Grunty for this information!
I get a lot of Quest headset users asking how to set up an overlay to show the EDCoPilot window, when flying in VR.
Commander Grunty uses a Quest 3 headset with OpenKneeboard. He also has installed OpenComposite so he can use OpenXR and has provided the following set up steps for using OpenKneeboard:
* OpenComposite Pre-requisites *
Before installing OpenKneeboard, first install OpenComposite :
Download the OpenComposite runtime switcher from here: https://znix.xyz/OpenComposite/runtimeswitcher.php?branch=openxr
Extract the contents in a new folder and run "OpenComposite.exe"
Click "Switch to OpenComposite". You can close the tool afterwards.
Attention!! This switches every SteamVR game to run via OpenXR. If you want to switch back at any point, open the tool again and select "Switch to SteamVR"
Start Elite Dangerous (Launch via Games section in Virtual Desktop or the dashboard in the Oculus Link app)
OpenKneeboard installation
Download the FREE app : OpenKneeboard from https://openkneeboard.com/
After installing remove the premade tabs and create a new one for EDCopilot.
Go to Settings, Tabs, “Add a tab”
Choose “Window Capture”
Select EDCoPilot from the list
Setup your VR center button
Go to Settings, Input
Scroll to your device and bind a button for “Recenter VR”, preferably the same one you use in game.
Adjust window in VR
Start Elite and spawn in
IMPORTANT! Recenter both in-game and in the tool!
Tab back out and go to Settings, Virtual Reality
Adjust window size and position
Some numbers to get you started:
Width/Height: 0.50m
Vertical Distance: -0.20m
Left-to-right: 1.10m
Forward: 0.35m
Pitch: 105°
Roll: 0°
Yaw: 72°
Those should put the window above the right ingame panel (Numbers are for my specific setup, your experience may vary but it should be a good baseline)
Further down you can setup the opacity when looking / not looking at the window