Hi there, and thanks for checking this site out.
EDCoPilot has been under development for just over 3 years now. It has been offered to users through its Alpha testing stage for the last year.
User awareness has been via word of mouth, the EDCoPilot page on Facebook, some posts to the Elite Dangerous Community pages on Facebook, and an early demo on YouTube.
I figured it was finally time to put up a webpage, to make it more accessible and easier to find.
Some background
I started writing EDCoPilot in order to resolve a personal irritant ... I play Elite Dangerous in VR and absolutely hated how I would have to break immersion in order to go look something up on Inara, EDSM or EDDB, or hunt for the right keys to key in a new system name in the Galaxy Map.
The tool has evolved from voice-only ask and response, to a UI controlled by voice commands, to a UI that can be used by non-voice users as well. The original UI was functional and served a purpose (basically teaching me how to create my first UI), but is now in the final stages of being replaced by a new UI that has more of the look and feel of an in-game ship panel.
At the moment, users will see both the old and new UI when they start the app. Once I have finished the migration of screens to the new UI, the old UI will be switched off, and that process will serve instead as its main processing engine.
Once i have finished migration of the old UI, I have a long list of new cool features and enhancements I would like to add. I hope you stick around for its evolution.
I hope you enjoy discovering EDCoPilot. Give it a try, it really does enhance the gameplay.
Commander Razzafrag, EDCoPilot creator.